Why values matter
This isn't meant as an empty promise towards diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Rather by stating plainly and unapologetically my values I can provide a platform for myself, and ideally others, to consider how they can participate as ethically minded, inclusive technologists in today's world.
First and foremost, I value anti-racist community. While I learn how to occupy an anti-racist mindset and do the work necessary to be anti-racist I invite you to join me. Let's talk, or better yet, I can listen. Find my contact information here. In doing the work to be anti-racist I deeply value, in technology specifically, a diverse yet inclusive community. What does this mean? As it was once stated to me: diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance.
I uphold the Global Data Ethics Pledge. By extension, I am unconditionally an advocate for and practicioneer of data ethics.
Self-care is a cornerstone to any successful career and practice. This includes self-care for mental health and physical well being.
Empathy and active listening go hand in hand. Be empathetic to yourself, your team, your users. We can demonstrate this in many ways, but one critical way is through active listening.
Failure is a normal and expected reality. Failure is just another way to say, "I tried [and learned]".
Education is never done, it is always ongoing. We can learn by teaching, practicing, immersing ourselves into new spaces, reading, and more. Find what works for you and do it.
Do these things matter to you?
If so, great! If not, we all have different values and motivational drivers. Discovering those will help you identify what projects you want to pursue and how you want to impact change around you.
Value driven tech
My values inspire the type of tech I build and the communities I participate in. Projects, speakers, and communities that I'm actively supporting and/or participating include:
Data ethics and transparency in data science and machine learning: Global Data Ethics Pledge
Diversity and Inclusion building in Chicago:Chi Tech Diversity Initiative
Immigration reform: Mijente
Data for Black Lives: Data for Black Lives is one way to support the platform originated by #BlackLivesMatter.
Kim Crayton and #causeascene: Kim's provided the "Being an Antiracist at Home"
Open Source: Specically in Python through the Python Software Foundation as a contributing member and member of various PSF workgroups by building a globally diverse, inclusive Python community and supporting Python open source software.
Ethically minded researcher and technologist: I'm always available to consult on projects that may be data heavy, require data science expertise, or need a technologist willing to donate services for a non-profit / civic cause.
Want to build value driven tech together?
Awesome! Contact information can be found on the about page.